It is nearing Christmas and everyone is looking forward to the break.
There are still targets to meet and you notice the team are starting to loosen up.
Their motivation levels are starting to take a turn and many are disengaged from your meetings-Zoom and Live.
Here are some tips to help you inspire your team and help you finish the year off strong.
7 Tips for inspiration.
1. Encourage your team to have a "no-holds-barred" discussion about what is bothering them
2. Create a list of the things that are working well as a reminder for everyone
3. Identify one thing you can do differently to make life easier for yourself and your team members
4. Give each person on the team an opportunity to share their thoughts with others, or write down their thoughts in private so they can reflect on it later
5. Plan out short term goals that will give people something to work towards and be proud of at the end of the day
6. Ask questions like "What's going well?" or "What's not going well?", then follow up with clarifying questions if needed
7) Take time out during meetings for updates from each member - this will help keep everyone engaged and feeling valued by management